"For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife and the two will become one flesh." (Ephesians 5.31)
The parish community of St. Gregory would like to thank you for answering the invitation to enter into marriage. As you enter this new stage of your life, we trust that you have thought and prayed about the decision you are now making.
Marriage is a holy institution involving a complete giving of self. This selfless love parallels Jesus' love for the Church. Of coursse, he showed his love for us by dying on the cross. Married love imitates this love of Jesus, which is lifelong, faithful and self-sacrificing.
This covenant of lifelong love unites you, the couple, in your love for each other. As you commit your lives to each other, you commit yourselves to Christ. You become witnesses of Jesus' love, for each other and for the Church. You renew this sacramental love every day by seeking God's strength to guide you in your every action.
As you commit and sacrifice yourselves to each other in love, the spirit of Jesus' love pervades your whole lives with faith and hope.
A Marriage preparation course offered online is required.
An advance notice of six months must be given by notifying the pastor of your intention to marry, either by email, [email protected], or by calling the parish office, 705-949-8883.