The celebration of the Eucharist we have today has its origins in the Last Supper during which Jesus, "took a loaf of bread, and after blessing it he broke it and gave it to the disciples saying, "Take, eat; this is my body."" (Matthew 26.26)
After, Jesus took a cup of wine and passing it to the disciples, he said, "this cup that is poured out for you is the new covenant in my blood." (Luke 22.19-22)
The Eucharist is a sacrament in which Jesus showed his love for us. It unites us to the Father and all people of God, strengthens us as members of the faith community and nourishes the life of Jesus in our love of God and neighbour. The Eucharist is a celebration, a holy meal that is at the heart and centre of Catholic life. Seen as a thanksgiving sacrifice for the forgiveness of sins, we commemorate Jesus' death on the cross by offering his Body and Blood to save all people.
There is a prepartion course, in which children in at least grade two, are required to partake. Using the book, We Share in the Eucharist, this course will allow your child to understand the parts of the mass, including terms, prayers and concepts.
There is also a Family Guide to assist parents in teaching your child giving you practical suggestions of how to make the celebration of First Eucharist a more realistic presence of Jesus Christ in your child's life.
The course is approximately eight consecutive weeks long. The celebration of First Eucharist takes place on Mother's Day weekend.
To enroll your child fill in the registration form and email to the parish, [email protected] or call the parish office, 705-949-8883.